1. Use your personal email to open an application account. Do not use your work email.
2. Once you have opened your account, please use the Certemy link at the top of the MHACBO website to access your account in the future. Do not open multiple accounts.
Certified Prevention Specialist (CPS)
CPS - Testing Requirements
150 Prevention Education Hours are required.
All education hours must be accredited or approved by a recognized/approved accreditation body. Education hours must include the topical areas of:
ATOD Pharmacology/Epidemiology
ATOD Prevention Education Curriculum trainings or Training of Trainers (TOT)
Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist Training (SAPST)
Community Mobilization / Coalition Building / Systems Thinking/Planning
General prevention topics
Cultural Competence/ Humility
Facilitation/presentation skills training
Prevention ethics including confidentiality
2,000 Supervised Experience Hours in the Prevention Domains TM (c. ICRC/AODA)
120 Hours of Experiential Learning and Evaluation by a Prevention Supervisor (or CPS Consulting Supervisor/Mentor)
Ethics Agreement (signed and dated)
National Criminal History Check
ICRC Prevention Specialist Certification Exam
Passing score on the CPS professional psychometric national certification examination from the International Certification Reciprocity Consortium
Recertification occurs every two years. Certified CPSs must submit 40 hours of continuing education every two years, which must include 6 hours of Ethics Training and update their certification file with any changes (address, phone, email, etc.).